Tuesday, January 25, 2011

six months

my love. my roe.

You are now 6 months old.

You cut your first tooth last week on Thursday (the 20th of January). It was after a day of amazing napping (3.5 etc hours) at a new friends house and then there it was, your bottom right side front tooth. Sharp as anything, luckily you've not as of yet bitten mommy.

You love solids, love them. Anytime anyone has a bowl, cup, utensil near you, you open your mouth as wide as you can and lean towards it. You eat like a champ, and quickly, forget all that literature about feeding babes slowly, you haven't followed the rulebook much on that one.

We celebrated your first Christmas season, which you honestly seemed to sleep through. I believe I have one sleepy picture of you on Christmas eve and a few from Christmas morning, but other then that you were contentedly sleeping at a relative or friends home on whatever bed we could locate. Thank-you for being so portable in all the crazy travelling we did this and every other Christmas season.

You celebrated new years with your grandparents and you were fabulous (or so we were told). While your dad and I headed out to Toronto for the night. We had a really good almost 2 weeks off with your dad home from work during the holidays, we did some sled rides and just hung out at home as much as we could.

Since the holidays we've started a swim class called babyfit, where you lounge in the water while mommy does aquafit, you're improving every week. The first week it was much too cold for you and we had to get out after about 15 minutes to warm you up.

You're getting much more body strength and you will pull your body forward if we lean you back, not quite sitting yet, but on your way there!

Your grasp and dexterity have improved so much, instead of fumbling for an object, now you'll simply reach right for it, and place it promptly into your mouth to chew on.

You smile, laugh and talk so much now, it makes us smile and the circle continues. A huge smile with short spurts of laughter. You love your exer-saucer as well, you've just started rocking back and forth and making the whole thing move with you; Again you think this is hilarious.

You had your first 24 hour overnight away from us on the eve of your 6 month birthday, word from your grammy, grumpa and nanny is that you were beautiful, I think that means it went pretty well :)

We love you very much and we'r excited to see what this next month will bring.

I love you,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 months in

So today you were 24 weeks, I had to google and follow something to another page to put info in to figure out how many weeks old you were, because truth be told I had stopped counting. This post is a few weeks late, to state the obvious. Though I take lots of pictures though to help me remember every little thing I can.

What has transpired this last month? Well you grew. To me you seem so huge now, though people seem to have these whopping infants weighing in at large amounts, you just hit 14 lbs a few weeks ago (around 4.5 months). I weigh you randomly at red tent which we attend every other Friday. I think you enjoy going, I sure do. About a month ago you grabbed another little man's hand while attending red tent and jammed it in your mouth and promptly started chomping away on it, it was pretty adorable.

So the chewing, on a multitude of items, is just adorable to me, unless you're screaming. Than I just want it to stop right in that moment.

For the majority of this month we haven't been able to keep you awake for more than an hour at a time, and then you promptly nap for anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. It is intense, and it helps me get a lot done (ie. today I made a birthday cake, cleaned, we went on a hike and I made lemon loaf). Some days I think it would be nice if you were awake a bit more too. I know this will happen soon enough though!

We did a lot of travelling in December and you met a lot of new people and had some lovely visits with family and friends. We had your dedication in which almost 30 family members attended and you were so utterly loved as always. We also celebrated your first Hannukah with Zaide & Lori and all of the Silverman family.

You started standing, while leaning on something like the couch on your own. Sometimes you sway back and forth and sometimes your legs just buckle, but your definitely building up your core nice and strongly. I love to hold your hands while you stand and sway back and forth giggling and smiling so big!

You seem to cough when you mean to laugh, a fake tiny cough that is hard to describe, but it is pretty darn adorable.We got a sleigh for you from our neighbors and you seem to like it very much, or more you are subdued by the sub-zero temperatures of northern Ontario.

You've become a FABULOUS baby in your car seat, as long as the radio is on and we're moving and it is your nap time. If any of these things are not in line, we're screwed. You'll scream and scream and cry and scream. So we've learned to be late or early dependent on your schedule. We also started to attempt to schedule you. Instead of eating every 2 hours, we worked it down to every 3-4 and we've introduced a feeding of rice cereal and some fruit before bed. This has made a big impact on how many times you get up in the night.

Everyone who meets/sees you comments on 2 things, your gorgeous big blue eyes and your smile. I couldn't agree with them more when they say how absolutely sweet you are.

I love you very much my roe roe.