Monday, July 4, 2011

11 months

Baby Lo-lo.
I started calling you that, it stemmed from me calling you roe, then roe-lo and now lo-lo. Go figure. Funny where you little names come from.

Well my boy you are officially a month (minus a few days at this posting) closer to your 1 year birthday. The one where I found the sweetest invitations for, and then had to e-mail out details due to a postal strike, so now I have a lot of copies for decorations I guess?

This past month we've been doing things for the most part solo. You're daddy has been living away from us monday-friday and we've been doing surprisingly well in my humble opinion. We're keeping busy and you my little munchkin are in exploration overload. No cupboard left unopened, no rock unturned/unchewed. I had to swipe some dog food out of your mouth yesterday, the way your face crumpled you would've thought I'd interrupted your lovefest for chocolate-if you'd had chocolate yet (the countdown is on my son don't you worry).

So food, you eat pretty much anything I give you and we've completely stopped buying any semblance of babyfood (minus arrowroot cookies), some new favorites are steak, bbq chicken and tenderloin. It always makes me laugh how one day you'll be ravenous for tortellini and the next want nothing to do with it. the same can be said for many of the foods we give you, you like them only about once a week, which keeps me cooking and trying to give you something a bit different everyday, which in turn is great because it forces me to cook for just myself and you beyond the basics. One thing you love day in and day out though is cheese. Any kind.

So on the topic of dairy, you've had a horrible bum rash for going on three months now. We've been to 4 doctors, we've tried about 7 creams, 3 prescription ones too! And nothing seems to be helping, we'd do the creams it would 90% clear up and then BAM, it is back again. So yesterday we bought you some lactose free formula, and we'll see if that makes a difference, it's hard to imagine cutting you off of some of your favorite foods at this time, but we know it's been too long and the cortisone creams only seem to make it worse (another possible allergy?). So time will tell.

Your weight this month was around 19.2 lbs, almost at forward facing carseat (woot) weight. Your fitting into and growing out of your clothing rapidly and I must admit I love the shopping. Your daddy, not so much.

You are a pro furniture creeper now, you're getting a bit more adventurous each day as you try to go from one piece of furniture to another. you've started walking holding onto mommy and daddy's hands and the way your smile spreads across your face when you are walking makes me so proud of the little man you're becoming.

we went for our first picnic and beach day this summer, you like to be outdoors and are learning to like the sand, it is a required taste I must agree.

We went for a picnic with our friends Char & Julianna and saw some butterflies at the conservatory, you seemed intrigued by them and we had a very nice relaxing afternoon looking around and exploring.

We got you your first toothbrush which you love to tote around with you and chew on, no new teeth yet and we're good with that; you've started biting  any fabric you can get your teeth into and mommy and daddy if they happen to get in the way when you get really excited and giddy.

You are more then we could have wished for my beautiful boy.
Love you,