Tuesday, March 2, 2010

flutters and a much bigger baby!

So today I am 18 weeks pregnant and starting my 5th month of pregnancy (the months and weeks don't seem to add up, but that is what the books say!) and the baby is about the size of a sweet potato.

It has been an interesting week. I started feeling something similar to flutters in my abdomen but wasn't quite sure if this was baby movement or something else. But I decided to go with baby movement as all of my stomach is now far above my belly button.

Let me just repeat for the record what an amazing thing the human body is. IT IS AMAZING.

And due to all this movement(the baby & my stomach) the heartburn was getting quite bad quite quickly. So I got a prescription for some heartburn medication and it has been such a relief! No more waking up in the night to horrible pain and being unable to get back to sleep.

This week I headed down to my old stomping grounds of Burlington to meet up with some of my oldest friends for a birthday dinner. It was fun and a great visit, but the headaches I've been having started that afternoon and stayed with me through until Saturday morning.

Then on Saturday morning I headed to Hamilton to help a friend move into her first place (so proud of you kr!). Though I did no lifting I still managed to hurt myself, I am just getting clumsier and clumsier. I was walking in her driveway and slipped on the ice and fell on my back. It hurt. I called telehealth due to some cramping that started immediately after and was advised to head to the hospital where after 5 hours of waiting (thanks for taking me KR!) I had an ultrasound which showed a much larger baby than what I'd seen at 12 weeks. The baby looked so crammed in and like it had no more room. Though I know room will soon be made. But the baby at first was quite still with a steady heartbeat, then the u/s technician left to double check something and I started feeling those 'flutters' and she came back and took some more u/s pics of my abdomen where I could clearly see the baby moving in time with what I was feeling as flutters. The u/s tech also gave me an early gender prediction, but we're waiting to confirm until this friday when we have our scheduled gender u/s.

So everyone is good and growing, though my belly seems to have shrunk from last week-pic to follow) and we're almost halfway there!

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