Thursday, July 29, 2010

1 week old

my tiny roe.
you are one week old (almost 2 hours ago today).

I can hardly believe that you've been here a full seven days. Seven days that have gone by too quickly. You've changed your father says, but I still see the same little man i met seven days ago. Not so much has changed to me.

Day 1
of your life started at 5:07 pm on July 22, 2010.
You were here.
We cuddled and snuggled and your dad stared at you for hours on end. Enamored. In love. We could hardly grasp that you were ours, a gift. How could it not be from God.

That night was not so long and feeding you was something so new and different to me and you, it was a lot of snacking and trying for both of us. Your dad walked with you and sang to you and held you for a lot of the night. You are loved.

Day 2
We had some visitors early on who loved on you and took pictures with you and joined with us in celebrating your new life. We were shown how to bathe you and take care of your diaper changes and umbilical stub (which freaked me out).

Feeding went a bit better and I was able to grab a nap while you were loved and cuddled by grandma's and great grandma's and cousins and grandpa's and uncles.

That night was much longer and you were hungry every 30 minutes it seemed. Eventually we got a little more sleep and than it was time to head home.

Day 3
We came home!
You met 2 of your 'aunties' and snuggled like a pro.

You also met tiny D, who is obsessed with you! He is ever protective and loves to snuggle up to your feet. It is adorable. We weren't sure how he'd do. But he and you seem to be getting along very well :)

We took our first family walk tonight, just down to the lake and back, and showed you off to some of our neighbors. They were all in love immediately with you.

You were up much of the night and mommy and daddy had very very little sleep (maybe 3 hours total).

Day 4
You met your cousins and aunt and uncle on this day and your grandpa and grandma stopped by as well.

Our midwife stopped by and let us know that you were doing great!

Than we tried a new night time routine and were rewarded with two 4 hour increments of much needed sleep. This helped me to get out of my stupor and begin adjusting to your feeding schedule.

Day 5
Feeding and snuggling were what we did. And your little umbilical stub came off! Making mommy feel much better about giving you a bath.

Day 6
You saw your midwife again and she let us know that you were eating like a champ and had gained 3 oz. in 2 days :)

You cluster fed on this day. seriously you fed from 11 am to 5 pm with a 1 hour break and a couple 10-20 minute breaks. Your dad kept you occupied while i stole some time for a bath. It was luxurious for the 15 minutes it lasted :)

Day 7
You've fed for a lot of today and have been adjusting even more to a steadier feeding/sleeping schedule. You're snoozing right now and daddy is working on some house stuff. I think this is when I am supposed to nap, but I still feel that adrenaline rush :)

That is your first week. You have been loved, snuggled, kissed, cuddled and introduced to many new people. We love you tiny Roe

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monroe Micheal Kenneth

So here's a little of our birth story for you :)

Due to all of the issues with my kidney we headed in for an induction on July 15th. Where the doctors attempted for 36 hours to induce labor. It didn't work and to say I was frustrated was an understatement.

We met with the OB on Monday and discussed whether to try again the next week or to wait 2 weeks. I opted to try again the next week.

So we headed in Wednesday night (July 21st) to try again. This time they tried a completely different approach to induction and we were sent home, only to return about an hour later dilated to 2 cm. We than stayed overnight, Paul slept I had some slight contractions throughout the night.

The next morning at 9:30 am the OB broke my water and began pitocin 2 ml/half hour and by 11:30 am I was dilated to 4 cm, which is when the epidural came in handy. (found out after that the baby had been posterior as well)

I was checked at 1 pm and had not progressed much further. Than at 3 pm I advised the nurse I was feeling some pressure. She checked and I was fully dilated. She suggested I do some passive pushing for a bit so as not to be intensely pushing for the average 2-3 hours for a first time mom. So with the support of my mom, Paul and my doula April I did this.

At 4:15 pm the nurse came in and advised me that she just had to finish prepping the OR for another lady and than would be back to begin the final stage! At 4:30 pm she came in and at 5:07 pm Monroe Micheal Kenneth was welcomed into the world. Weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz. and measuring 19 inches long.

It was shocking to me how quickly everything happened and a bit overwhelming. We've been home since Saturday afternoon now and are slowly adjusting to all that is baby and feeding and trying to sleep, which a cold I got is not helping.

Monroe's name was because I loved it, Micheal is after my father and Zaide (grandfather) and Kenneth is after Paul's grandfather.

We're so thankful for our little man and for all the love and support we've received from everyone!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

a little explanation on what the specific's of the infections have been.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the last month has gone by quickly!

So what’s been going on, round #2?

As some of you may know at the beginning of June I spent about 5 days in hospital due to some kidney issues and an e. coli infection.

Since than we returned to the hospital when I spiked another fever (while on t3’s/reg. tylenol every 4 hours) and was sent home with a prescription for oral antibiotics.

Than we had an ultrasound a week ago (Tuesday) which showed lower than normal/comfortable levels for the doctors, and I was told to bring my baby bag to the hospital for my next ultrasound (a little overwhelming) and to do nothing but rest. But that if I did not feel the baby move for more than 2 hours head to the hospital also. So of course I didn’t feel movement Wednesday morning and headed over where he looked good on paper, I just wasn’t feeling his movements for a good 3 hours total, than he kicked in (with some help from a popsicle). The doctor that day requested I come back for an ultrasound on Thursday (3rd day at the hospital in a row!) to check fluid levels etc. so away we went and were told we had just barely hit, but were within the normal range of fluids now. Wohooo!

So we continued with our plans to head to the cottage with 2 other close couples we knew. Friday morning I wasn’t feeling quite right, but we continued on, by midafternoon I had a low grade fever, but we were hopeful it would go away. We got to the cottage Friday night and we were there less than 12 hours, which were spent trying to lower my temperature of 39* + with ice packs, wind, Tylenol, cold facecloths etc, all night Friday. We left the next morning with having been at the cottage less than 12 hours. We encouraged the couples to stay and enjoy themselves (and I am so happy they had a really good time there J). For some reason it took much longer than normal to get home on Saturday (2.5-3 hours regularly, took 4) and it was one of the worst drives I’ve ever been a part of (Mainly due to the shaking, pain, discomfort etc of yours truly). Than we arrived at the hospital, we had decided to come all the way to our home hospital, as I thought I may be admitted, and didn’t want to be stuck up near the cottage.

I was admitted with a temp of 39.3*, with yet another kidney infection (my 3rd this month). My temperature did not fully break until Sunday afternoon. I was on morphine yet again for just 2 days and I was finally sent home on my 4th day yesterday ( ad my 25th birthday) with a prescription for antibiotics until the baby gets here. Which changes depending on the weather, but we have been told, it will be less than 40 weeks.

Oh and an answer to prayer throughout this has been that I had another ultrasound (#9) yesterday and the doctor came back, saying we have no idea how but you’re now sitting within the very normal range for fluids and that specific issue is no longer a reason to induce. Which was so relieving.

So now I am at home, on strict rest, trying to eat, taking my meds and trying to be patient to meet this little man who insists on everything being difficult!

and thank-you to the world's most patient, loving and encouraging husband. I couldn't get through this without your love & support.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010