Thursday, July 29, 2010

1 week old

my tiny roe.
you are one week old (almost 2 hours ago today).

I can hardly believe that you've been here a full seven days. Seven days that have gone by too quickly. You've changed your father says, but I still see the same little man i met seven days ago. Not so much has changed to me.

Day 1
of your life started at 5:07 pm on July 22, 2010.
You were here.
We cuddled and snuggled and your dad stared at you for hours on end. Enamored. In love. We could hardly grasp that you were ours, a gift. How could it not be from God.

That night was not so long and feeding you was something so new and different to me and you, it was a lot of snacking and trying for both of us. Your dad walked with you and sang to you and held you for a lot of the night. You are loved.

Day 2
We had some visitors early on who loved on you and took pictures with you and joined with us in celebrating your new life. We were shown how to bathe you and take care of your diaper changes and umbilical stub (which freaked me out).

Feeding went a bit better and I was able to grab a nap while you were loved and cuddled by grandma's and great grandma's and cousins and grandpa's and uncles.

That night was much longer and you were hungry every 30 minutes it seemed. Eventually we got a little more sleep and than it was time to head home.

Day 3
We came home!
You met 2 of your 'aunties' and snuggled like a pro.

You also met tiny D, who is obsessed with you! He is ever protective and loves to snuggle up to your feet. It is adorable. We weren't sure how he'd do. But he and you seem to be getting along very well :)

We took our first family walk tonight, just down to the lake and back, and showed you off to some of our neighbors. They were all in love immediately with you.

You were up much of the night and mommy and daddy had very very little sleep (maybe 3 hours total).

Day 4
You met your cousins and aunt and uncle on this day and your grandpa and grandma stopped by as well.

Our midwife stopped by and let us know that you were doing great!

Than we tried a new night time routine and were rewarded with two 4 hour increments of much needed sleep. This helped me to get out of my stupor and begin adjusting to your feeding schedule.

Day 5
Feeding and snuggling were what we did. And your little umbilical stub came off! Making mommy feel much better about giving you a bath.

Day 6
You saw your midwife again and she let us know that you were eating like a champ and had gained 3 oz. in 2 days :)

You cluster fed on this day. seriously you fed from 11 am to 5 pm with a 1 hour break and a couple 10-20 minute breaks. Your dad kept you occupied while i stole some time for a bath. It was luxurious for the 15 minutes it lasted :)

Day 7
You've fed for a lot of today and have been adjusting even more to a steadier feeding/sleeping schedule. You're snoozing right now and daddy is working on some house stuff. I think this is when I am supposed to nap, but I still feel that adrenaline rush :)

That is your first week. You have been loved, snuggled, kissed, cuddled and introduced to many new people. We love you tiny Roe

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